Making Buildings Safer with VisiTrak

VisiTrak, our reliable Visitor Management System, is at the heart of enhancing building security.
Integrated with leading building access control systems, ensuring quick and secure check-ins, all while boosting overall building security.
Capture visitor info in just 3-5 seconds with Smart National IDs, Passports, or Business Cards.


Integrated Devices


Emirates ID Scanner

The Emirates ID card can be scanned to quickly capture visitor information, including name, photograph, and ID number. This helps in streamlining the registration process.


US Driving License Reader

All visitor data, including the scanned license information, can be stored securely for record-keeping and compliance purposes. This data can be easily retrieved when needed.


Passport Reader

The passport reader extracts information such as the visitor's name, date of birth, passport number, and expiration date from the passport. This information is then sent to the Visitor Management System software.


QR/Barcode Reader

Upon successful registration, a visitor badge is printed, which includes a barcode. The barcode may contain information like the visitor's name, purpose of the visit, date, and time of the visit, as well as other necessary details.


Digital Signature Pad

Once the visitor's information is entered, they are asked to sign a digital agreement, consent form, or NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) using the digital signature pad. The digital signature pad captures the visitor's signature electronically, which is then associated with their visitor record in the VMS.

access card

Access Control Card

The VMS keeps a log of visitor activity, including check-in and check-out times, access points used, and duration of their visit. This data is useful for security and audit purposes, helping organizations maintain a record of who was in the facility at any given time.

Visitrak Features


VisiTrak's Check-In/Check-Out feature ensures efficient visitor entry and exit processes,contributing to enhanced building security. This functionality simplifies the tracking of visitor movements,providing real-time insights and peace of mind for administrators and building occupants.

Pre Registeration

VisiTrak offers a user-friendly pre-registration process that empowers visitors to conveniently pre-register their visits through self-service kiosks or through the employees.This streamlined approach allows visitors to provide their information in advance,including their name, contact details, and purpose of the visit, ensuring a seamless and secure check-in experience upon arrival.

Mulitple Approvals

VisiTrak's Multiple Level Approvals streamline visitor requests by allowing organizations to establish hierarchical approval processes.This feature ensures that each visit adheres to security and compliance standards, enhancing overall building security and compliance assurance.

Health Declaration & Temperature Recording at check-in

VisiTrak takes a proactive approach to building safety by incorporating a Health Declaration and Temperature Recording feature during the check-in process.This critical functionality allows visitors to declare their health status and undergo non-invasive temperature checks,promoting a secure and healthy environment. By capturing this vital information, VisiTrak helps organizations maintain a vigilant stance against potential health risks,reassuring both visitors and building occupants of a commitment to their well-being.

Reserved Meeting Room

VisiTrak's comprehensive visitor management system offers an advanced and user-friendly meeting room Reservation feature.This seamlessly integrated solution empowers organizations to efficiently reserve meeting spaces, ensuring they are available and fully equipped for scheduled events.By utilizing VisiTrak, you can optimize resource allocation, enhance professionalism, and elevate the overall efficiency of your meeting room management,providing a seamless and professional experience for your visitors and employees alike.

F&B Management

Our System enhancing visitor experiences now extends to catering and refreshments with our Food & Beverage Feature.This specialized feature allows you to seamlessly manage and provide catering services for meetings, events, and visitors.From ordering, tracking, to serving, VisiTrak ensures a smooth and professional catering experience, ensuring the satisfaction of your guests and visitors.

Courier & Parcel Management

Our System's courier and parcel management feature for organization.Our specialized module simplifies the handling of deliveries,providing a seamless process from acceptance to notification. With VisiTrak, you can track, record, and securely distribute incoming packages,enhancing workplace efficiency and ensuring your employees receive their parcels in a timely and organized manner.

Parking Slot Allocation

VisiTrak's robust parking slot allocation module optimizes parking space usage, enhances security, and promotes fairness. Beyond allocating slots,it also captures vehicle type and number, ensuring an organized and efficient parking environment.This additional information improves traffic management and visitor experience while maintaining workplace security and convenience.

Advanced Security Measure Data Protection Assured

User Privileges

Our system offers robust user permission controls, allowing organizations to define and configure user privileges as per their unique requirements. Additionally, it supports the creation of customizable fields to capture data aligned with the specific needs of our clients, facilitating the generation of tailored reports.


Scalable Expansion: Transitioning from a Singular Venue to a Multilocation Model with Centralized Database Architecture.

Control Access

Integrated with world class control access systems

Access Control Integration

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