Features of Visitrak

A visitor management system equipped with pre-registration capabilities represents a software solution designed to optimize and elevate the visitor check-in process for organizations. The central feature of pre-registration empowers visitors to proactively register their information prior to their arrival at a facility, thus significantly expediting and improving the efficiency of the check-in procedure.Below is a comprehensive overview of the operational framework of such a system:


Visitors, whether they are guests, contractors, or employees from other locations, can pre-register for their visit through an online portal or a mobile app and by the an employee. During pre-registration, they typically provide their name, contact information, purpose of the visit, and other relevant details. Some systems may allow for identity verification through documents like driver's licenses or government IDs.


After successfully pre-registering, the visitor receives a confirmation email or text message containing important information about their visit. This notification might include details about the date and time of the visit, directions to the facility, parking instructions, and any specific entry requirements (e.g., COVID-19 protocols).


When the visitor arrives at the facility, they can check in more quickly by scanning a QR code from the notification or entering a reference number. Alternatively, some systems integrate with access control systems and automatically grant or deny access based on the visitor's pre-registration information.


The visitor management system can print visitor badges with their name, photo, and other relevant information, which they wear for the duration of their visit. This helps identify visitors easily and ensures security.

Host notifications

The system can also notify the host or the person the visitor is there to see when the visitor checks in/Check out and pass expired. This way, the host get the exact status of the visitor.

Security and compliance

A visitor management system with pre-registration can help maintain security and compliance by recording visitor data and storing it securely. It can also help generate visitor logs and reports for auditing purposes.

Enhanced security

Enhance security in Visitrack robust access controls,and regular updates to safeguard visitor data and system integrity. Additionally,follow best practices for physical security, monitoring, and incident response to mitigate security risks.

Data analytics

The system offer analytics capabilities to help organizations gain insights into visitor patterns and the effectiveness of their security and visitor management processes.

By implementing a visitor management system with pre-registration, organizations can improve security, provide a more convenient experience for visitors, and maintain better control over who enters their premises. These systems are commonly used in corporate offices, government buildings, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and other places with controlled access.

A Visitor Management System (VMS) that utilizes a barcode reader is an efficient and secure way to manage visitors, employees, and contractors entering and exiting a facility. This system typically involves the use of barcoded identification badges or QR codes to streamline the check-in and check-out process. Here's how it works:


Visitors are pre-registered in the system, either by the organization's staff or by the visitors themselves through an online portal.During registration, visitor details such as name, contact information, purpose of the visit, and the expected duration of the visit are collected.

Badge Generation

Upon registration, the system generates a unique barcode or QR code for each visitor. This code can be printed on a badge or sent to the visitor's mobile device.


The barcode reader scans the code, and the VMS system verifies the information and logs the visitor's entry. This can trigger automatic notifications to the host or security personnel, alerting them to the visitor's arrival.

Host Notification

The host or contact person is informed of the visitor's arrival via email, SMS, or an alert on the VMS dashboard.

Benefits of a Barcode-based VMS
  1. Increased security: Barcoded badges are difficult to forge, enhancing security.

  2. Efficiency: Streamlines the check-in and check-out processes, reducing wait times.

  3. Compliance: Helps organizations meet regulatory requirements for visitor management.

  4. Visitor tracking: Provides a detailed record of visitor activity.

In addition to these features, some VMS systems can integrate with other security technologies like facial recognition, ID card scanning, or biometrics for even higher levels of security and automation. The choice of VMS features and technology should align with the specific needs and security requirements of the organization.

A visitor management system (VMS) in the context of analytics refers to a software solution that is used to track and analyze data related to visitors who enter a physical location, such as an office, building, or event. This system is designed to enhance security, improve efficiency, and gain insights into visitor behavior and demographics. Here's how analytics plays a role in a visitor management system:

Data Collection

VMS collects data on visitors, including their names, contact information, entry and exit times, purpose of their visit, and sometimes even photos or identification documents. This data serves as the foundation for analytics.

Analytics Capabilities

Visitor Behavior: It can provide insights into visitor behavior, such as the most visited areas within a building or the duration of visits.

Entry/Exit Analysis: Analytics can help identify peak entry and exit times, allowing organizations to optimize staffing and security measures.

Demographic Analysis: By collecting and analyzing visitor information, such as age, gender, and location, VMS can provide insights into the demographics of the visitors.

Visitor Tracking: VMS can track the movement of visitors within a facility, helping to understand their journey and patterns.

Security and Compliance

Analytics in VMS can help identify security threats by flagging unusual behavior or suspicious visitors. It also aids in compliance with data protection regulations by securely managing visitor data.

Reporting and Insights

VMS with analytics capabilities generate reports and dashboards that provide actionable insights. Organizations can use these insights to make informed decisions about resource allocation, security measures, and facility management.


Many VMS solutions integrate with other software systems like access control, CRM, or marketing tools. This integration enables a more holistic analysis of visitor data and its impact on various aspects of an organization.

In summary, a visitor management system with analytics capabilities not only enhances security and efficiency but also provides valuable insights for organizations. By analyzing visitor data, organizations can better understand their visitors, improve their services, and optimize their operations

Live Reporting within the Visitrack Visitor Management System (VMS) represents a sophisticated feature set designed to provide real-time insights and enhance operational efficiency. This component allows organizations to dynamically track, monitor, and generate up-to-the-minute reports on visitor activities, ensuring a secure and compliant environment. Here's how it typically works:

Real-Time Visibility:

Visitrack's live reporting functionality delivers a comprehensive and real-time view of visitor movements and interactions within your premises. This capability enables immediate responses to evolving situations and security concerns..

Customized Reporting:

Visitrack empowers users to create tailored reports that align with specific organizational needs, compliance requirements, and security objectives. This flexibility ensures that insights are directly relevant and actionable.

Security Enhancement:

Live reporting plays a pivotal role in bolstering security by enabling proactive monitoring of visitor data. This is particularly crucial in maintaining an optimal security posture and ensuring rapid responses to any security breaches or anomalies.

Compliance Adherence:

Visitrack's live reporting feature assists organizations in meeting regulatory compliance standards, such as visitor access controls, data privacy, and audit trail management. It simplifies the process of generating compliance reports for regulatory bodies.

Operational Efficiency:

The ability to access real-time data through Visitrack's live reporting streamlines visitor management processes, reducing wait times, enhancing visitor experiences, and optimizing resource allocation.

Incorporating Live Reporting into the Visitrack VMS system is a strategic move for organizations seeking to proactively manage visitor interactions and ensure the highest levels of security and compliance in dynamic environments. This feature empowers organizations to respond effectively to evolving scenarios and maintain a seamless visitor management experience.

A visitor management system is a software or technology solution used to manage and monitor visitors to a facility, office, or organization. Notifications play a crucial role in such systems to ensure security, efficiency, and a smooth visitor experience. Here are various ways in which notifications can be integrated into a visitor management system:

Visitor Arrival Notifications

When a visitor arrives at the facility and checks in, the system can send a notification to the host (the person they are visiting) via email, SMS, or a mobile app. This notification can include visitor details and a photo.

Security Notifications

If a visitor is on a watchlist or poses a potential security threat, the system can immediately notify security personnel.

Badge Printing Notifications

When a visitor checks in, the system can automatically print a visitor badge and notify the reception desk to have it ready for the visitor to pick up.

Visitor Check-Out Reminders

To ensure visitors don't overstay, the system can send reminders to both visitors and hosts to check out when their appointment or visit is over.

Scheduled Visitor Notifications

If a visitor has a scheduled appointment, the system can send notifications to the host and the visitor a day or a few hours before the appointment to confirm and remind them.

Emergency Notifications

In the event of an emergency, the system can send out notifications to all relevant personnel, informing them of the situation and providing details about the visitors on-site.

Overdue Visitor Notifications

If a visitor hasn't checked out by a specified time, the system can send notifications to the host and security personnel to investigate and ensure visitor safety.

Access Control Notifications

If your visitor management system is integrated with access control systems, it can send notifications to security personnel or administrators when a visitor tries to access restricted areas.

Analytics and Reporting Notifications

The system can send regular reports and analytics summaries to administrators or security teams, providing insights into visitor trends and activity.

Visitor Approval Notifications

If a visitor requires approval before they can visit, the system can send notifications to the host or an admin for approval or denial.

To implement these notifications effectively, the visitor management system would need to have integration capabilities with various communication channels like email, SMS, mobile apps, and potentially even intercom or physical alarm systems for emergency notifications. Additionally, the system should allow for customization of notification settings based on the facility's specific needs and security protocols.

A Visitor Management System (VMS) in the context of COVID-19 is a critical tool for businesses and organizations to control and monitor the entry of visitors while adhering to pandemic-related safety measures. Here are some key components and features of a VMS tailored to COVID-19:

Contactless Sign-In

To reduce physical contact, implement touchless sign-in methods. This can include QR code-based sign-ins or mobile apps that visitors can use to check-in.


Encourage visitors to pre-register online, providing necessary information such as name, contact details, and reason for the visit. This helps streamline the check-in process and reduces congestion at the entry point.

Temperature Screening

Install thermal scanners at the entry points to check the temperature of visitors. If someone has a fever, they can be denied entry or sent for further screening.

Integration with Access Control

Integrate the VMS with your access control system. This allows you to grant or deny access based on the information collected during registration and screening.

Reporting and Analytics

Collect data on visitor statistics, compliance with safety measures, and any incidents related to COVID-19. This can help in making informed decisions and improving safety protocols.

Regular Updates

Keep the system updated with the latest COVID-19 guidelines and adjust parameters as needed.

It's important to customize your VMS to the specific needs and guidelines of your organization, as well as local health regulations. Visitor Management Systems are a valuable tool for maintaining a safe environment while managing the flow of people during the COVID-19 pandemic.